Welcome to the February Edition of RMG’s Health Monthly.
We hope our patients and friends had a nice holiday season and have stayed healthy amidst the Omicron surge this winter.
Nevada is seeing declines now in its daily cases, after consecutive weeks of increases, and roughly 60% of our population is now fully vaccinated. Our hospitals remain overwhelmed however, with Governor Sisolak calling on nursing students who have completed certain coursework to apprentice in order to aid overwhelmed staff. We remain grateful to our nurses and frontline healthcare workers who are there every day pushing though this pandemic to serve our communities. Please remember to get your booster shots and your flu shots. And though it is cold right now, Spring is right around the corner!
In this issue, find out more about nutraceuticals, and how Roseman Medical Group patients are benefitting from groundbreaking research occurring at Roseman University, one of the benefits of being a patient in an academic health practice. Get an understanding of how to care for people in a caregiving role, whether you’ve taken on the responsibility or want to better support someone who has. Find out more about COVID-19 vaccinations and developments from the FDA and the drug companies.
We wish you a very happy February. During February, National Dental Children’s Health Month, remember to join the Neighborhood Health Series on February 17th to learn how our community ranks with respect to its oral health and how we can help more children access dental care and orthodontic care.
In good health,

The Pandemic is Still Here, But With COVID-19 Vaccination and Boosters, We Can Win Over the Pandemic of Our Lifetime
Manas Mandal, PhD Fulbright Scholar & Professor I could not believe my ears as Longhorn (name altered to keep confidentiality) asked me one late summer

Caring for the Caregiver
When I was asked if I had anything to contribute to an article on Caring for Caregivers, my eyes welled up with tears in just

Understanding Nutraceuticals: Unlocking the Power of Essential Oils
Nutraceutical products can be considered non-therapeutic dietary supplements used to promote general well-being. The term “nutraceutical” combines the two words of “nutrient,” which is a