RMG Health Monthly: March 2022 Issue

March 2022 Health Monthly

Welcome to the March issue of Health Monthly!

Spring is in the air, and the trees are displaying colorful and delicate buds and flowers. Perhaps one of the most beautiful seasons in the Mojave desert, Nevada’s plant life emerges from wintertime with purpose and a freshness not seen in the dog days of summer.

Perhaps also felt in the air is the sense of hope and optimism as COVID-19 cases in our state reach new lows and mask mandates are lifted across the state. We continue to urge our patients to get vaccinated and boosted and to decide for themselves if they’d like to continue to wear a mask.

As Black History Month comes to a close, we would like to recognize the countless Black Americans that have contributed to healthcare through patient care, discovery and innovation. Black History month also offers an opportunity to take an up-close look at Black Health and Wellness. As many know, COVID-19 has disproportionately affected our Black community members. At the same time, the Red Cross is also experiencing one of the worst blood shortage crises in over a decade. It recently launched a sickle cell initiative providing free sickle cell screening on all donations from self-identified African American donors. The Red Cross will offer free mini-health screenings to encourage new donors and to increase the number of African American blood donors. The BeTheMatch Foundation, a national marrow registry that matches transplant donors and recipients, is actively seeking donors to help sustain life for people facing blood cancers and disorders like sickle cell anemia. According to the Foundation, only 8% of the foundation’s US registry is comprised of African American donors, making a match even more difficult. The registry hopes to increase its diversity through recruiting via social media and community outreach. Find out more at bethematch.org.

On another but related note, Roseman’s partner, Cure For the Kids Foundation, will be presenting a free webinar at the Neighborhood Health Series on the topic of hemophilia and blood diseases. Join us at speakers.roseman.edu and register today for the March 24 presentation by Dr. Joe Lasky.

We hope you enjoy this month’s Health Monthly. Learn more about nutrition, diabetes, and the importance of oxygen. We also wish to let all of our patients know about Roseman’s Empowered Program. If you know a mom or expecting mother grappling with opioid or stimulant use, please let them know about Roseman’s Empowered Program at empoweredmoms.org. We wish all of our patients good health and wellness this spring!

In good health,


March 2022 Health Monthly Articles

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