Welcome back to RMG’s Health Monthly!
While the temperatures are still high, evidence of Fall is here. Kids have returned to school, Pumpkin Spice Lattes have made their debut, and Watering clocks can now be set to just three days a week.
We hope all of our RMG families and patients had a healthy and happy summer.
At RMG, we have taken some time this summer to refresh our beautiful clinic. Look out for new and improved patient areas and some new brighter décor.
COVID is waning, but we recommend that our patients stay up to date on their boosters and all vaccinations. On 8/31, the FDA announced an amendment to the Emergency Use Authorization of the COVID vaccine to authorize bivalent formulations for booster doses. These updated boosters contain two messenger RNA components of SARS-CoV-2, and now include lineages of the BA.4 and BA. 5 Omicron variants that made many sick in the past year and are expected to circulate this Fall and Winter. These boosters will provide better protection than past formulations. Find out who is eligible for these boosters at https://www.fda.gov/news-events/press-announcements/coronavirus-covid-19-update-fda-authorizes-moderna-pfizer-biontech-bivalent-covid-19-vaccines-use.
In this issue, learn about Narcissistic Personality Disorder, and its impact in the office, and in interpersonal relationships. Also learn more about monkeypox, and who might be eligible for vaccination. Find out how to stay healthy now that families are back to school by implementing simple, but often difficult strategies for healthfulness. And finally, learn more about the benefits of preventative dental care. Yes, that means twice a day flossing too!
We look forward to seeing you at RMG and we wish you good health.

Is It Me? Understanding Narcissistic Personality Disorder in Yourself and Others
Narcissistic characters have long been highlighted in literature spanning such greats as King Lear by William Shakespeare, The Picture of Dorian Gray by Oscar Wilde

Back to School! Keeping Kids Healthy In and Out of the Classroom
With school back in session, schedules are full and time might be crunched. Everyone, whether they’re preschoolers heading to school for the first time or

Summer of Monkeypox?
Manas Mandal, PhDFulbright Specialist & Professor When my daughters were young, I used to watch the kid’s movie Summer of the Monkeys with them. It