Happy holidays to our patients, friends and colleagues!
We hope that you all are staying warm and healthy, and enjoying the holiday season with friends and family.
For many, this holiday season brings a return to old customs and family gatherings that have not been a reality for some time now. With that comes joy, gratitude and new memories, as well as some of the holiday blues, like feelings of being overwhelmed, overworked, stressed or sad.
In this special Winter edition, we broach the topic of “The Happiest Season of All”, for while we are happy, there are most definitely triggers that can bring about less than festive feelings. Find out how to combat some of those triggers with soul-nurturing strategies.
We also discuss the topic of hot flashes, as well as preventative use of aspirin. We ask our patients to get their flu shots, to get their COVID boosters, which are now available to all adults, and to practice good self-care throughout this season.
We wish all of our RMG family good health and happiness this December and a Happy and Healthy New Year!

Mental and Emotional Health During the Holidays
When “All I Want for Christmas is You” suddenly takes over the airwaves after Halloween and every store is dripping with seasonal finery and sale

Immunizations and Vaccines
Immunizations and vaccines are modern medicine’s greatest success stories, preventing millions of deaths every year. According to World Health Organization (WHO), currently 2-3 million deaths

How to Find Relief from Hot Flashes
Hormones continue to affect the body long after puberty ends. As women enter perimenopause, which can begin around age 40, and go through menopause itself,

The Risks and Benefits of Using Aspirin
Heart disease is the top cause of death among Americans. It’s a serious concern, and the likelihood of cardiovascular events increases and intensifies with age.