Welcome back to RMG’s Spring Health Monthly!
Some of you may be feeling the effects of spring allergies, which are at their height right now. Remember to rinse off after being outdoors and keep windows and doors closed. Graduations and end-of-the-school-year celebrations are upon us. It is hard to believe that the school year is about over. We hope you enjoy this edition of the RMG newsletter. Find out more about Women’s Health and how to have good preventative care throughout each decade of life. Learn how to screen for Oral Cancer during Oral Cancer Month. Take advantage of the spring bounty at local farmer’s markets or your community garden to make easy, fresh, affordable spring dinners.
Wishing you a happy and healthy Spring!
In Good Health,

May is Women’s Health Month
May is Women’s Health Month and we wish to pause to appreciate the many women in our lives who are caregivers, CEO’s, mothers, daughters, sisters,

Get the Facts on Oral Cancer – Early Detection is Key
A foundational element of Roseman University’s mission is to “impact the health, education, and wellness of the communities it serves,” and the University delivers on

Celebrate Spring with Healthy, Lighter Cooking
A change in weather in Southern Nevada certainly has some folks thinking about a change in our food choices. Before it gets too hot to